Levius (レビウス) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Haruhisa NakataThe narrative is set in a reimagined war torn 19th century period where the gladiator like combat sport known as Metalboxing is held, with many of the contestants' bodies augmented by mechanical parts Levius has been taken in by his uncle Zach, with a mysterious past of his own Together with Bill, a brilliant engineer who keeps Levius' augments working, they hit the MMA federation and get to the highest ranks but not without oppos Levius is a war orphan MMA arena boxer who's been cybernetically augmented with a special arm Levius/est, Vol 7 The championship fight between Levius and Oliver at the Southern Slam is in full swing As Levius takes hit after hit and Oliver taunts him about being too soft to actually ever fight effectively, things also look
Levius Est Volume 2 Review The Geekly Grind